Archive for February 17th, 2011


Let’s start progressing.

I probably need to stop this play on the word “progress” already. It somehow became the theme of this blog and my mind decided to use it as much as possible. Rule of threes, Self. Rule of threes. (I promise, at least, that this will be the first and last time I use it in a blog title.)

I never know how to start these things. Not posts in general – just the first post. It’s a little daunting, isn’t it? You don’t know me, I don’t know you, you probably aren’t even fully reading this and aren’t really that engaged by anything I’ve said so far, I’m kind of wondering if I should just dive into it to make this awesome or if a bit of introduction is necessary in these things… see what I mean? It’s daunting. Or perhaps I’m just neurotic and over thinking it.

This could, I suppose, be started with an introduction of myself, but I feel that that is covered in the about section entitled “[I am] In Progress” and I rather dislike repeating myself. So instead I think I shall keep this first post short and end it with a promise to myself, to you (whoever you may be), and to my writing:

I, lmmixer, hereby swear to post something interesting at least every other day, no matter how small it may be, and to post something about writing and working on writing at least once a week, no matter how small that may be.

So there you have it. Enjoy your blended monarchy, readers.


Plan Progress

February 2011

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